EPRO™ E systems are designed to maximize water purification efficiency and produce high quality clean water from tap water or brackish water. After removing impurities such as bacteria and dissolved solids, clean water is supplied through existing taps (faucets) for use in residences and commercial applications
Request a quote Complete RO systems with efficient, high quality pumps, motors, and membranes for energy savings and low maintenance
Up to 99.4% purification rate² provides clean water and improved wash/rinse characteristics, reducing service cost of equipment and appliances by removing harmful chemicals and minerals
Up to 40% recovery rates³ minimize water waste
Compact, preassembled design enables installation in under 2 hours, limiting start-up costs and space requirements
Purification of home water supply
Carwash rinse water (for spot-free shine)
Laundries and cleaners
Food and beverage production, bottling
Pharmaceutical production/laboratories
Paint and assembly
Electronics fabrication
Boiler & cooling tower makeup water
Misting, humidification
Nurseries, greenhouses
Commercial printing
Product Flow Rate - 1,200 to 3,000 GPD (5.7 to 11.36 m3 /day)
Purification Rate - Up to 99.4%
Recovery Rate - Up to 40%
Automatic Feed/Source Water Shutoff Valve
Liquid-filled pressure gauges
Flow Meters for Product and Discarded Water
5 Micron Sediment Pre-filter
110/220 V, 1 phase, 60 Hz, TEFC Motor
Below is all information pertaining to the EPRO E:
Cannot find the configuration you are looking for? We would be happy to issue you a formal quote with exactly what you need.